Saturday, November 8, 2014

Lost 2014 Tour: Crash Beach Revisited

Of all the sites I visited in 2011, undoubtedly the crash beach had the greatest impact (pun intended). So many iconic scenes were filmed along this stretch for the pilot and during the first half of season one.  To revisit the beach in 2014 was a delight.

For my 2011 visit our van stopped towards the east side of the beach, in what I believe to be the area that Jack emerged from the jungle at the beginning of the pilot.  This time around our bus stopped closer to the west side of the beach, more or less in the area that the Oceanic 815 debris field was located during season1.

Crash beach, looking west.
Crash beach, looking east.
Crash beach, looking out at the beautiful ocean.
LOSTies on the beach.
Alice decides to try a little snorkelling.

My shots of the ocean came at a price -- the ocean surged at one point and I wasn't quite able to escape.  Here's a shot of my ocean soaker taken a few minutes later at our subsequent location.  I probably still have a bit of crash beach sand in those shoes!

As you may be able to tell from the shots below it was another HOT day on Oahu, and the crash beach was particularly steamy.  I don't think I've ever seen moisture escape my pores quite so fast!

Requisite crash beach selfie.
Bonus crash beach selfie.
Looking back towards the highway from the beach.
Heading back to the bus.  (Photo: Ian)

The crash beach mojo was alive and well in 2014.  I suspect that it is a location I will come back to each and every time I return to the island.

Until we meet again....

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